
Nordlond Bestiary and Enemies Book

Created by Douglas H. Cole

A bestiary and enemies book for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG (Powered by GURPS).

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Ballistic's Report for Week Ending Dec 10
over 2 years ago – Sat, Dec 11, 2021 at 10:10:17 AM

From last Friday to this Friday was absolutely crazed. The big news is that we saw a gigantic surge in the last 48 hours of the Kickstarter. It broke every record for me as a personal project.

In the end, we came in at 192 pages, nailing some cool Dire Animals, Demons, Slimes, more Animals, and also near-humans and part-humans … but coming up short on Dinosaurs and a lot of the human/humanoid opposition.

So, in short:

  • Funded to over $52,000 vs a highest-ever $34,000 funding goal, and committing to my first 12 of 15 “signatures” of monsters. That’s 13 monster types that were designed to fit into 16 pages.
  • We saw the nod given to support for Foundry VTT support using the GURPS Game Aid (Unofficial), which is a much bigger deal than it might seem. Nick and Nose have done some amazing work there, and now only await my completion of the monster sheet
  • More conversations with my card printer; that second card deck is going to be pretty sizeable, so gotta figure out how to do them.
  • I revised the actual monster stat sheet layout and it’s much better. Larger font sizes, better readability, etc. That will stand me in good stead later.
  • Even though it was record-breaking for me, we still came up short of what I thought a Bestiary would bring. The Monsters 2 52-pager did over 1,000 backers, and I hoped we’d equal that.
  • I have spent a lot of “block and tackle” time on Backerkit and starting to figure out printing and (most importantly) shipping.
  • I have not forgotten Inns and Taverns, nor Two Warring Houses. They are definitely on the “think about it later” list.
  • I have a ton of ideas in my head for things. Some are still systemless, some very much not.
  • Note that as soon as the Backerkit surveys go out, those who complete them will get any PDFs they order that already exist right away after the card is charged. You will not have to wait for already-existing digital products. In fact, all of those PDFs are already loaded into the Backerkit system.

The real work is now very “head down.” Figure out shipping and fulfillment. Pick a printer. Really, really drill into first getting the final list of monsters ready, and then getting stats for all of them. Some of the sections require much consideration and no small amount of non-stat writing. Right now, the non-monster section on special faerie traits is approximately four pages long; I expect to need similar amounts for dragons.

Gaming Ballistic Patreon

To help with ongoing funding of art and speed eventual time to delivery, Gaming Ballistic started a Patreon in January 2021. Here’s the weekly update on Patreon status.

  • Membership status: 57 patrons and $387 per month.
  • Special Content: The patrons got early peeks on everything, including the total spreadsheet of all planned monsters. They’ll be getting a consolidated list of “all the samples to date” Real Soon Now.

No change in patron count since last week.

Gaming Ballistic in Media

I’ll leave this section here for one more week.

Shadow of the GM: Discussing the GURPS Bestiary with Douglas Cole. Why a bestiary? Why now? How portable? A really good chat.

Nerdarchy: TTRPG Monsters with Gaming Ballistic.

Talking Crit with Erik Tenkar and Bad Mike. This has a primarily OSR/D&D audience, but they have always dug my works, they recognize that I’m one of the better planners for Kickstarters, and they value my insight and commentary after running over a dozen projects successfully.

SJGames Live with Hunter Shelburne. This discussion was pretty focused on the Dungeon Fantasy RPG. Lots of previews and screen shares.

Where can you find out more about the project, or make comments?

Currently Manufacturing/Fulfilling/Shipping

Projects where hardcopies and PDFs are going out or scheduled to do so.

  • Nothing new this period. GB is current with fulfillment and shipping.

Crowdfunding and Product Launches

The Bestiary Kickstarter had an amazing start, stalled out, then surged at the end.

A funded project is more attractive than one that is not funded. Obviously. And once we DID fund, the impetus to achieve stretch goals went way, way up. We had a few backers throw in very large sums of money simply because they wanted to the project to succeed.

I have a few thoughts on how I approached the project’s funding that will influence my future planning on notional projects that might result in large books. The “less than 50 page” set doesn’t really need so much strategy. But books like this that can grow require more thought.

The really key next step is to figure out shipping so that I can do all the hard work in Backerkit. Thanks to a lot of work on Tower of the Moon, some of that block-and-tackle was done in moments instead of days this time. So that was very helpful. But sorting the logistics of printing and who and where is complicated. I’m talking to a fulfillment partner on this one, and I hope that next week I’ll have a lot more to say.

I do, however, have two weeks to say it.  The usual payout for KS projects is about 17 days after it ends. This allows the (currently) 14 people whose pledges haven’t processed to get in and fix them, and of course the money really rather helps me with buying art. So much art.

Product Announcements

The full Product Catalog is still out there.

I need to modify it to include the Bestiary. I’ll do that over the next week so that when we say “pre-order!” a game store can know what to expect.

In Development

Writing and content creation for announced projects. Some of this may be cryptic.

  • Inns and Taverns, by Marshall LaPira. Systemless. Revised tavern submitted on Nov 11, returned with comments in early November.
  • Two Warring Houses, by Douglas Cole. Systemless. Outline stage and writing, but on hold as the Bestiary gets launched.
  • Nordlondr Bestiary, by Douglas Cole. Dungeon Fantasy RPG. See above, workin’ hard.


Bits of news and items that put a monkey in the wrench.

  • I had a very assumption-challenging conversation with a logistics and shipping partner, and this counts as “friction” because it changes my plans. It changes my communication to my printers. And it may wind up changing my communication to backers. I think the backers won’t mind if it pans out…but it is a change.
  • This isn’t unforeseen friction, but it’s likely 6-8 weeks until the final PDF files go to the printer. That probably means 4-6 weeks until backers see the PDF for consumption, error proofing and checking, errata, etc.

Fair Winds

Information about things that move GB forward.

  • I’m still stunned at the magnitude of the surge at the end. On the one hand, this is a good thing. On the other, one really wants to fund – honestly fund, not set a goal that will bankrupt a company just to show “funded in the first 10 minutes!” and “52,223% funded!” on a report – in the first three days of a campaign. That means (a) you can run shorter campaigns to minimize doldrums, and (b) everything after that is “can we do better?” That seems to matter.
  • I’ve taken a hard look at my family finances over the last four months, and I’ve been able to get a better assessment of what my “break-even” is for Gaming Ballistic. There’s still no question that not actively landing a Day Job represents a significant opportunity cost. But things maybe aren’t as ugly as I thought. Bears thinking on.
  • I’m hoping to get a lot done over the next week on the logistics and shipping side of things, and some of those options are really attractive.
  • Sometimes Backerkit is just “get surveys, deal with shipping, fulfill.” But this one, I am likely to do a fairly hard push on the pre-order front. Especially with game stores. One the book is a known quantity in terms of pages and content, “buy this thing” might prove worthy, and we’re likely to be in the “still working on it!” phase for 6-8 weeks.

Asgard Rising Kickstarter - Viking STL Files
over 2 years ago – Sat, Dec 11, 2021 at 01:01:36 AM

I don't have a 3D printer, so I haven't backed this. But for those that do, all of these are supremely cool and very thematic for a Nordlond game. I don't know these guys at all...was just forwarded a link by a backer and acquaintance on the TFT Discord, and thought I'd share.

ASGARD RISING: Tales from Midgard

Conversation with ShipQuest...well THAT was interesting
over 2 years ago – Wed, Dec 08, 2021 at 10:51:34 PM

So...there were a LOT of dire warnings in my last Update about shipping, and it all not being friendly.

While still likely true to some extent, there may be some possibilities here that I was previously unware of.

I've got a follow up with them and a few other folks on Monday. If things continue to look as interesting as they seem, I may have very good news. If not, I'll tell you that too.

Sorry for the whip-saw updates, but I really wasn't expecting to have my assumptions challenged quite so hard as the last hour challenged them.

Next Steps: Backerkit Setup and Shipping Warning
over 2 years ago – Wed, Dec 08, 2021 at 03:44:42 PM

Well, yesterday's finish was amazing, and the campaign ended on quite a high note.

That means it's time to get busy. Most of that is on me; some is on you, depending.

Pledges and Funding Transfer

There are something like 20 backers (of 685, so not bad - about 3%) whose cards did not get properly charged. Kickstarter gives about a week for you to resolve that. I cannot easily import all the Backer names into Backerkit until the final funding amount is settled, so please get on that ASAP.

It usually takes about 17 days for the actual funds to arrive in my account. That's when the "real" work can start with art commissions and the like...though I do have some working capital I can use to get some of that going sooner. But 17 days from now is Christmas day, as it happens. Managing a lot of this block-and-tackle stuff over the holidays is going to be hit or miss.


Whatever the reason, PayPal wasn't available on Tower of the Moon, my last campaign.

The good news is that it IS available this time around, so you have that option to complete your pledge. Yay!

Survey Period and PDF Timing

Nonetheless: I hope to get surveys out to everyone on Dec 20. This requires me to have good estimates on shipping costs...and that's non trivial. PLEASE read to the end for issues on international shipping. There are going to be a few quirks of domestic shipping as well, so read those too.

Once you get your survey, please fill it out as quickly as possible.

Once you do, I will give a short grace period to change minds, but I'm going to start locking completed surveys and charging cards pretty much on Sunday, Jan 2. 

Why? Because a LOT of the orders have already-existing PDFs in them. And there's no reason for y'all to wait for those. So as soon as you complete your order and pay -  (this happens automatically with PayPal, but has to have me hit "go" if you use a credit card - I'll be able to send you PDFs of all the back-catalog stuff. No sense waiting there.

Backerkit and Shipping

To help manage post-campaign add-ons, as well as the distribution of the final product(s) to backers, Gaming Ballistic uses BackerKit to conduct the post-Kickstarter surveys and fulfillment.

BackerKit is a company whose purpose is to help creators manage these details, including add-ons and shipping costs. When the campaign ends, you will be invited to fill out a BackerKit survey to confirm shipping details, and choose any add-ons you might like to purchase. If you've pledged more than your reward total, this will show as a credit on your account.

  • The BackerKit phase will last between 10-14 days.
  • The BackerKit survey is vitally important for those wanting physical goods. Get your surveys done early.
  • If you are ordering physical goods and don't fill out your survey by the end of the manufacturing period, your pledge will be cancelled and refunded.
  • If you have a purely digital order, don't fill out your survey, and have a non-negative charge balance, your order will be marked as completed and the PDFs sent to whatever email address you provided. This will happen at the very end of the fulfillment period right as PDFs are sent to the printer.

Domestic Shipping

Domestic shipping of books-only will use USPS Media Mail.

Domestic shipping of orders including cards cannot use Media Mail, and will be charged at first-class rates.

I'm going to do my best to get good estimates of what that's going to look like. 

Media mail should be something like $7 for "just the bestiary" (Rate for 3 lbs for the book is $4.80, plus a handling charge for time and materials).

First class package postage and handling is likely to be something like $12-15 depending on where it's going. I'm centrally located in MN, so that helps, and nearly all of that is postage.

International Shipping: Yes, but Complicated

I'm repeating the section on shipping from the very, very bottom of the campaign. 

Also a reminder: the cards and not-Bestiary books are NOT shipping outside the USA unless you have a freight forwarder with a US address. This is unlikely to change, but if it does, I'll provide an Update.

Gaming Ballistic is not responsible for what happens after the parcels arrive at the forwarding address. 


  • The Bestiary book itself will ship worldwide. Probably from Germany or Greece.
  • "Ships to Whole World" is not free shipping, which is charged in BackerKit.
  • Other than the Bestiary itself, International backers will only be able to get PDFs as add-ons.

International shipping is much more costly than it has been in the past. Ridiculously so. The world still labors under the shadow of COVID-19 and supply chain shortages and delays, and calling them "catastrophic" is not overselling. This includes overseas container space and paper. There is complicated staffing on the shippers' side as well. International Shipping of this project is going to be expensive and challenging. Be prepared.

International Shipping: Duties Unpaid

All books will ship to international customers "DDU," which means "Delivery Duties Unpaid." 

Any and all fees levied by your local country customs are the sole responsibility of the recipient. 

Refunds will not be offered for packages rejected for customs fees. Furthermore, if shipping costs for physical product are unpaid in BackerKit after survey deadlines, we will reduce your physical reward pledge to the digital reward pledge. A refund for any difference will be given.

In short: there's nothing about the state of the world and international taxes and fees and shipping charges that is friendly. It's USA-unfriendly, EU-unfriendly, UK-unfriendly, and Rest-of-World Unfriendly. 

I'm going to do my level best to reduce the pain, but make no mistake: As I laid out before the project started, it will be painful.

OK. That's where we are. Now I have five minutes before talking to ShipQuest in the UK and seeing if we can do this easily. I'm not optimisitic.

And that's a wrap
over 2 years ago – Tue, Dec 07, 2021 at 11:37:23 PM

Wow. What a freakin' day. So awesome.

Tomorrow there's no rest for the wicked, and I'm chatting with ShipQuest in the UK talking international shipping. If I have any good news, I'll pass it on. 

But here are some stats:

  • We raised $52,223. This outperforms my prior best Kickstarter (Four Perilous Journeys) by about $12,000. We raised more funds during this Kickstarter than 4PJ did including the Backerkit phase.
  • We had 685 actual backers. This outperforms the best DFRPG Kickstarter (Nordvorn) at 600 and the best prior project of mine (again, Four Perilous Journeys) at 608.
  • The average pledge was $76.24, beating the next contender (Delvers to Grow) which was $69.19 handily
  • The project finished with 773 followers and a 50% conversion rate of followers to backers. That conversion rate is five full percentage points higher than my best prior project, and even 45% was super-high. My low was on the order of 20%, so again: really, really good.
  • We funded, and hit four of seven stretch goals. We almost hit five.

This was solid. Now I have to do my Management Fu thing.

First order of business after I chat with ShipQuest and a few other international fulfillment folks is to get solid quotes from various printers, and really dig in on getting these monsters done. I can also start queueing up the art, which will make my art team happy.

For now, I'm going to go have something to drink.

Thanks again, folks. You turned this from something that looked pretty grim through all of November into the best campaign I've ever run. I'll make you a great book.